واژگان 12 سال کنکور سراسری

این مجموعه دارای دو بخش گرامر و واژگان است که با بررسی دقیق 12 سال کنکور سراسری (92-81) گزینش شده است.

واژگان 12 سال کنکور سراسری

گزیده ی نکات تستی گرامر به همراه واژگان 12 سال کنکور سراسری

این مجموعه دارای دو بخش گرامر و واژگان است که با بررسی دقیق 12 سال کنکور سراسری (92-81) گزینش شده است. در بخش گرامر، کوشیده شده است تا با پرداختن به مباحثی که اغلب در آزمون های سراسری مورد سؤال است، نکاتی شرح داده شود که از اهمیت بیشتری برخوردار بوده و بتوان از آن ها برای هرچه راحت تر پاسخ دادن سوالات تستی استفاده کرد. بخش واژگان شامل لغات متوسط و دشوار است که در طی 12 سال آزمون سراسری رشته‌ي منحصراً زبان، چه به عنوان جواب تست و چه در صورت سؤال ها و گزینه ها، مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. لازم به ذکر است که سطح دشواری این مجموعه به گونه ای در نظر گرفته شده است که متناسب با نیازهای تمامی دانش‌آموزان، چه دانش‌آموزان آزمون زبان تخصصی و چه دانش‌آموزان رشته های رياضي، تجربي، انساني و هنر، باشد. امید است این مجموعه بتواند گامی در مسیر کامیابی شما دانش‌آموزان گرامی در آزمون ورودی دانشگاه باشد.


equip (v): آراستن، آماده کردن، ساز و برگ دادن

“The new school will be equipped with computers to improve the educational efficiency.”

achieve (v): دست‌ يافتن‌، رسيدن ، به پایان رساندن

“You’ll never achieve anything if you don’t work harder.”

measure (n,v): واحد اندازه گیری‌، چاره، برنامه، اقدام‌، اندازه‌ گرفتن‌،پيمانه‌ كردن‌، سنجيدن‌

“The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion.”

“We have taken measures to limit smoking to one area in the building.”

“Will you please measure the wall to see if the bookshelves will fit?”


entrance (v):راه ورودی، راهرو

“The main entrance to the school building was overcrowded.”

realization (n):درک، فهم، تحقق، عملی شدن

“We finally came to the realization that the business wasn’t going to work.”

“The realization of a lifelong ambition relies on hard work and high spirit.”


procedure (n): روال، روند

“The company has new procedures for dealing with complaints.”

design (n,v): طرح‌، نقشه‌، طراحی کردن

“We’re working on designs for a new office building downtown.”

“The company is working on a video game specifically designed for children.”


devote (v): وقف كردن، اختصاص دادن، فداكردن

“He devotes much of his time to her family; he is an excellent family man.”

application (n): كاربرد، استفاده‌، درخواست‌

“The counselor will help students fill out college applications.”

instruction (n): آموزش ، راهنمايي ، دستورالعمل

“Follow the instructions on the back of the box and you will know how to run the machine.”

“She’s never had any formal instruction in music, but she is a marvelous pianist.”



operate (v): کار کردن، به کار انداختن، جراحی کردن

“We need to employ a team of technicians who are trained to operate the scanning equipment.”

“The engine seems to be operating very smoothly.”

“The surgeon that operated on his knee is now his close friend.”


universal (adj): همگاني، فراگير، جهاني

“Food, like safety, is a subject of almost universal interest.”

“The new reforms have not met with universal approval within the government.”


accountable (adj): جوابگو، مسئول

If anything happens to Max, I’ll hold you accountable.

surround (v): فرا گرفتن ، محاصره کردن

“We are moving to a lake house surrounded by lots of beautiful trees.”

promote (v): ترفيع دادن، ترويج كردن، پشتیبانی کردن، تبلیغ کردن

“The bureau’s job is to promote tourism to the area.”

“Ted was promoted to senior sales manager last week.”

“The author went on a national tour to promote her latest book.”


propose (v): پيشنهاد كردن‌

“Mr. Smith, the president of our university, proposed that the rules be changed.”

explicit (adj): روشن ، آشکار ، ساده

“I gave her very explicit directions as to how to get here.”

sufficient (adj): بس‌، بسنده

“They had sufficient evidence to send him to prison.”

inhabit (v): ساکن شدن

“These remote islands are inhabited only by birds.”

conduct (v,n): رفتار، اجرا کردن

“I don’t think it is right to conduct experiments on animals.”

“The book club has a strict code of conduct.”




extend (v): ادامه دادن، گسترش دادن، ادامه داشتن

“The path extends beyond the end of the road.”

“We have decided to extend our publishing of children books in the near future.”


smooth (adj): هموار، ملايم، صاف

“The river rocks had been worn smooth by the water.”

conscious (adj): هوشيار، بهوش‌، آگاه‌، باخبر

“When I was walking down the empty street I became conscious of the fact that someone was following me.”

“Owen was still conscious when they arrived at the hospital.”


beneficial (adj): سودمند

“The agreement will be beneficial to both groups.”

issue (n,v): موضوع، مسئله، انتشار دادن، به جریان انداختن

“Don’t worry about who will do it; that’s just a side issue.”

“The manager is expected to issue a statement later today for her employees.”


requirement (n): نياز ، نيازمندي

“The refugees’ main requirements are for food and shelter.”

enhance (v): بالابردن‌، افزودن‌، زيادكردن‌

“The company is looking to enhance its earnings potential.”

admire (v): پسند کردن ،تحسين کردن، آفرین گفتن

“I admired her for having the courage to tell the truth.”

urgent (adj): ضروري، فوري

“She’s in urgent need of medical attention; we should take her to the hospital right now!”

relevant (adj): مربوط ، مناسب ، وابسته

“Make sure your comments during the interview are short and relevant.”

reflect (v): بازتابیدن، بازتاباندن، اندیشیدن

“We could see the mountains reflected in the calm stream.”

“People do that sort of thing every day, without ever stopping to reflect on the consequences.”

