درک مطلب موضوع Education- زبان انگلیسی-فرشید کامرانی

درک مطلب موضوع Education- زبان انگلیسی-فرشید کامرانی درک مطلب موضوع Education- زبان انگلیسی-فرشید کامرانی

درک مطلب موضوع Education- زبان انگلیسی-فرشید کامرانی

🟡 درک مطلب در مورد Education

Passage: j

In recent years, the integration of technology in education has become a topic of great discussion. While proponents argue that technology can enhance learning and provide students with important skills for the future, skeptics express concerns over potential negative effects like decreased attention spans and increased screen time. One thing is clear, however – technology is here to stay, and it is crucial for educators to find a balance between using it effectively and avoiding its potential pitfalls. j 

The use of technology in the classroom can have numerous benefits. For instance, interactive educational software and online platforms allow students to engage with material in a more dynamic and personalized way, catering to individual learning styles and needs. Moreover, digital resources provide opportunities for collaboration, enabling students to work together on projects irrespective of physical location. In addition to these advantages, technology can also foster creativity and critical thinking through the use of multimedia tools, empowering students to express their ideas in novel ways. j 

However, critics argue that excessive reliance on technology can hinder students' ability to concentrate and retain information. The constant stimulation provided by digital screens can contribute to shorter attention spans, making it challenging for students to engage in deep, focused learning. Moreover, the rising prevalence of screen time in children's lives can have adverse effects on their physical and mental well-being. It is, therefore, vital for educators to strike a balance between traditional teaching methods and incorporating technology, allowing students to benefit from both. j


According to the passage, proponents of technology in education argue that it: j

A) Decreases attention spans and increases screen time

B) Enhances learning and provides important future skills

C) Hinders students' ability to concentrate and retain information

D) Fosters collaboration among students despite physical distance


What does the passage state about interactive educational software and online platforms? j

A) They hinder collaboration among students

B) They cater to individual learning styles and needs

C) They decrease attention spans

D) They limit students' creativity and critical thinking


According to critics, what is one potential negative effect of excessive reliance on technology? j

A) Increased physical and mental well-being

B) Shorter attention spans

C) Enhanced collaboration skills

D) Improved memory retention


As mentioned in the passage, what advantage can technology bring to education? j

A) Increased reliance on traditional teaching methods

B) Reduced opportunities for collaboration

C) Limitations in expressing ideas

D) Empowerment of students' creativity and critical thinking

What does the passage emphasize regarding the use of technology in education? j

A) Excessive reliance on technology is always beneficial

B) Traditional teaching methods are obsolete and should be abandoned

C) Educators should find a balance between using technology effectively and avoiding its potential downsides

D) Technology has no impact on students' attention spans

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