درک مطلب - زبان انگلیسی- داستان انگلیسی- فرشید کامرانی

درک مطلب - زبان انگلیسی- داستان انگلیسی- فرشید کامرانی درک مطلب - زبان انگلیسی- داستان انگلیسی- فرشید کامرانی

درک مطلب - زبان انگلیسی- داستان انگلیسی- فرشید کامرانی

درک مطلب

In the heart of the bustling city, there stood an old bookstore called "Book Haven." It was a haven indeed for book lovers, with its shelves lined with a vast collection of novels, biographies, and travel guides. The cozy atmosphere and the smell of old books made it a favorite spot for many locals. j

One sunny afternoon, Sarah, a young woman with a passion for reading, entered Book Haven in search of a new adventure. As she browsed through the shelves, a book titled "The Enchanted Forest" caught her eye. The cover featured a mystical forest with vibrant colors and magical creatures. Intrigued, Sarah decided to purchase the book and headed to the cashier. j

Back at her cozy apartment, Sarah began reading "The Enchanted Forest." The story transported her to a world filled with talking animals, hidden treasures, and ancient spells. She was captivated by the author's vivid descriptions, which brought the enchanting forest to life in her mind. j

As the days went by, Sarah found herself getting lost in the pages of the book, eagerly turning each one to uncover the mysteries that lay within. The characters became her friends, and she couldn't help but feel a strong connection to their adventures. j

One evening, Sarah reached the final chapter of "The Enchanted Forest." With a mix of excitement and sadness, she read the last words and closed the book. It had been an incredible journey, and Sarah was grateful for the escape it provided. j

The next day, Sarah returned to Book Haven, hoping to find another book that would ignite her imagination. As she walked through the aisles, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that within those shelves lay countless stories waiting to be discovered. j


Q1. What was the name of the bookstore in the story? j

a) Book Paradise

b) Book Haven

c) Book Oasis

d) Book Sanctuary


Q2. What caught Sarah's attention in the bookstore? J

a) A travel guide

b) A biography

c) A novel about the enchanted forest

d) A book about ancient spells


Q3. How did Sarah feel while reading "The Enchanted Forest"? J

a) Bored and uninterested

b) Happy and excited

c) Confused and frustrated

d) Sad and disappointed


Q4. What did Sarah do after finishing the book? J

a) Returned it to the bookstore

b) Gave it to a friend

c) Started reading it again

d) Closed the book and went to the bookstore


Q5. What did Sarah expect to find in Book Haven on her second visit? J

a) The same book she had just finished

b) Another book that would ignite her imagination

c) A book about ancient spells

d) A travel guides to an enchanted forest

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