Train of Ideas: Resalat Saraye Danesh Secondary School

Resallat Saraye Danesh Students make sentences with the words of their English textbooks in One Word, One Sentence project, then combine them in their Train of ideas.

Train of Ideas: Resalat Saraye Danesh Secondary School

Saraye Danesh Students make sentences with the words of their English textbooks in One Word, One Sentence project, then combine them in  their Train of ideas. They must use at least two words from each lesson of the book and their trains must deliver a clear message

دانش آموزان مدارس سرای دانش با کلمات کتاب درسی‌ در پروژه ی (هر کلمه، یک جمله) جمله می‌‌سازند، سپس آن‌‌ها را به هم وصل می‌‌کنند در متنی به نام قطار معانی. از هر درس کتاب درسی‌ باید دو کلمه در قطار آن‌‌ها باشد، و این قطار باید یک معنا ی مشخص را منتقل کند.

قطار‌های معانی دانش آموزان راهنمای رسالت را بخوانید و ببینید:

Read and See the Train of Ideas of Saraye Danesh Secondary School of Resalat:

Lesson 4 words3/9/2015

Winter: Parnaz ghafari

Winter is my favourite season. It ‘s very cold in winter and  also snowy . You should wear coats and hats in winter .You can build a snow man in winter and play with your friends and families . You can go to the restaurant and drink coffee and hot chocolate . You can have lots of fun !

Cousin : Nazanin farokhi

I have four books. My book has a cover but my book does not have any page. My book is red. My cousin has a beautiful book. My father gave it to me.

Spring : Nazanin asadollahi

I like spring. Spring is green .I play ping –pong in sprig .Spring is rainy and it’s beautiful .My father ‘s birthday is in spring.

Headache :Bahar bahmanabadi

Last night my mother got a headache and she could not sleep. I search about headache and I know about it .You get headache because you do not sleep or your body doesn’t have caffeine and you should drink tea or coffee or similar things and when you don’t sleep your mind can’t relax.

Friends : Saina Mashhadi

The name of my best friend is Mahta. She is 13 years old .I like her because she is kind .She has black hair .

Favorite : Yasaman rahimi

My best friend's name is Pegah .She has black eyes and long black hair. Her favorite food is pizza and her favourite colour is red . She is good at drawing and swimming. She is a talented girl.

Winter : Mahta malekpoor

Winter is a cold season. It’s the last season . I like winter and summer. We go to school in winter .My mother and my cousin were born in winter.

Swim : Pegah Amir skandari

My sisters’s name is Anahita. She can swim. She is good at swimming .She goes to the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays. She likes pizza and she doesn’t like salad.

Tree : Mahdieh Najm

I love trees because they are so useful .You know they produce “oxygen” and we need it to continue our life . They make our life green. Birds make their nest on them

too. We use their woods for many things. .
