One Word, One Sentence

جملات دانش آموزان مدارس سرای دانش را در صفحه‌ی One Word, One Sentence روی سایت انگلیسی مطالعه کنید.

One Word, One Sentence

در مدارس سرای دانش، دانش آموزان با کلمات کتاب درسی‌ یک جمله می‌‌سازند. جملات دانش آموزان را در صفحه یOne Word, One Sentenceروی سایت انگلیسی‌ می‌‌توانید مطالعه کنید.

 هر هفته، دبیران سرای دانش ایراد‌ها ی مشترک دانش آموزان و جملات برتر را انتخاب می‌‌کنند و روی وبلاگشان قرار می‌‌دهند. در این پست گزارش برخی‌ از دبیران را می‌‌توانید مطالعه کنید.شما هم با کلمات کتاب درسی‌ روی سایت جمله بسازید، از این طریق هم بر کلمات کتاب مسلط می‌‌شوید، و هم ایراد‌ها ی جمله سازی شما مشخص می‌‌شود.

The best Sentences in Felestin School:

Teacher: Mrs. Naghizadeh
 Please take a seat by the window.
(Bahare Kashani)
She has used the word "by" in her sentence which is emphasized on in the class.
 She tried to look attractive and professional.
(Negin Ghased Jame)
She has written a creative sentence.
 In my idea spring is better than other seasons.
(Maryam Chegini)

She has written a creative sentence. 

The best sentences in Resalat School:

Teacher: Mrs. Torabian

 The population of Iran is increasing everyday. (Sheyda Nematollahi) 205

    One of our relatives works in a large company and earns a lot of money. (Mohadese            Mohseni)
 Human's body needs iron to make oxygen. ( Tanin Akbari) 203
. To improve air pollution, we have to control the world's population. (Tanin Akbari)
 Nowadays everything is made of iron. (Tanaz Mousavi) 204
 NY and London have the greatest museums in the world. ( Tanaz Mousavi) 
    I worked hard for a year, so I earned a lot of money. (Nadia Zali)203
 Museums are closed for a short time in our city. (Ghazal Mohammadi)
 Don't park your car near mine! I'm leaving. (Aylar Hasani) 
    Nowadays countries have larger population than the past. (Aylar Hasani)
    I can earn everything by studying. (Aida Ahmadi) 204

 If you want to earn a lot of money, you have to get a good job. (Kimia Mehrgouya)

The best Sentences in Resalat Secondary School:

Teacher: Mrs. Afshar
* .Bahar Bahmanabadi  :There aren't a lot of tree leaves in winter, but I like all trees.
* .Nazanin Assadolahi : My mother can live in a  village near Te

 Pegah Amirskandari : Ten years ago there were many tourists here, but now there are not many.

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