گرامر فعل آینده_ زبان انگلیسی دهم_ حامد مرادی مقدم

این مطلب شامل 10 تست زبان از درس اول زبان مطابق بودجه‌بندی آزمون 7 آبان است.

گرامر فعل آینده_ زبان انگلیسی دهم_ حامد مرادی مقدم

سلام به دوستان پرتلاش کنکوری. من حامد مرادی مقدم هستم رتبه 24 منطقه 3 کنکور 1400 و دانشجوی آموزش زبان دانشگاه فرهنگیان. امروز می‌خواهم در این مطلب به بررسی 10 تست مهم از درس زبان بپردازم که همه واژگان و گرامر را دربرمی‌گیرد. فایل کامل سوال و پاسخ را نیز می‌توانید از بخش زیر دانلود کنید. 



The team …… continue to be successful in future years because some positive steps

…… by the coaches to attract talent from all over the world recently.

 1)is going to - have been taken 

2) will - have been taken

3) is going to - have taken

4) will - have taken


 A: Sam's just lost his job and is looking for a new one.

? B: Why …… from his job? Did he do something wrong

 did he fire 1)    2) was he fired

 has he fired 3)  4) is he being fired


 Despite the common belief that they don't hurt humans, hundreds of people …… killed by lions in Tanzania since 1990.

 have been 1)     2) has

 have 3)             4) has been


4 - Another reason to …… your furniture to charity is that you will be able to get a tax break for your contribution.

found1)            2) respect

 donate 3)           4) feed


5 - Organizing several workshops in two days was a big challenge for our university, but fortunately everything went according to …… .

 schedule 1)       2) pressure

 power 3)          4) success



6 - After years of movement from one city to another, father decided to stay in this small city, claiming that he had found out that he had a lot in …… with the people living here.

nature 1)          2) society

 common 3)        4) relative


7 - San Francisco was shaken by a severe earthquake which, together with the fire that followed, almost completely …… the city.

 destroyed 1)     2) enjoyed

 protected 3)      4) saved


8 - He lives on the street and sells the most …… drawings at shows and art openings around the city.

 amazing 1)       2) injured

 voluntary 3)      4) careful


9 - But, unlike your mom and dad, your English teacher probably doesn't love you …… and will punish you for your behavior.

 surprisingly1)     2) politely

 suddenly 3)       4) unconditionally


10 - Because the report contained …… grammatical mistakes and misspellings, the editor did not accept it.

 ancient 1)         2) countable

 ashamed 3)       4) countless

  برای مشاهده پاسخ‌ها به فایل زیر مراجعه کنید.

حامد مرادی مقدم-  رتبه 24 منطقه 3-  آموزش زبان فرهنگیان

انسانی‌ها ما رو دنبال کنید. 

تجربی ها با ما همراه باشید.

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